What I do

Firstly, if you have a physical presence outside of Essex/Suffolk then I probably won’t be able to help you!

Secondly, I am semi-retired so I balance my time carefully!

Some people have a lovely small package of skills. I’m not one of them.

  • I host, build and run websites or social campaigns for 20 or so clients. A few of those are e-commerce sites. All run WordPress but I can handle other CMS packages if required. I built my first site in 1996 (it’s on the WayBack Machine but I’m not sharing the link), and have been active on the internet since 1994 – so definitely not a youngster (see note about semi retired).
  • I’m experienced in network management, I’ve run Linux for a few decades and I’ve probably forgotten a load of skills I once had!
  • I’m a published author and a qualified adult tutor.
  • I’ve had an amateur radio licence since 1985 – so I know which end of the soldering iron is the hot one.
  • My history includes 20 years of Government, where I may have picked up one or two skills.

If you still think I can help, drop me a message.